The Chant: Game Opinions

It’s no secret at this point that I love horror games, and it’s no secret that I love games that some would consider categorically bad. These aren’t mutually exclusive ideas either: I just love the idea of the two coming together in what is an otherwise not-too-serious bonanza of fun. This isn’t to say that what The Chant has to offer is bad, or not serious. It is a survival horror game with a pretty campy premise: you go to an island retreat with your friend to drink some hallucinogenic tea made by a group of people who worship some kind of offbrand religion. Sure, that old chestnut. Some would consider this story bad, or the gameplay bad, or all of it bad – I don’t know. I am not one of these people. I absolutely adored what The Chant had to offer, and though in a rather succinct fashion, I talk about that a little bit in my newest video about it.
Check out that very video below.