Scorn: Game Opinions

I think Scorn was one of those games that fits in an “Expectations vs. Reality” meme, because a LOT of people thought this one was going to be a first person shooter. I didn’t, but to be fair I didn’t really know what to expect. What it ended up being was something I’m rather used to, having played a lot of horror walking simulators: Scorn is basically that. I really liked it! But it isn’t for everybody, and I think that’s crucial to recognize in an era of overblown reactions. If you’re into H.R. Giger, Alien, or just weird horror shit in general, it might be up your alley? But if you hate vagueness in games, wandering around, drinking in a setting, and puzzles that are also about as vague as can be… then perhaps this isn’t for you.
Check out the full opinion in the video below.