March Madness Subathon

All month long during March, I’ll be doing a subathon on the channel! I did one of these last year, and we called it March Madness. The general idea is that I’m asking the community for a bonus – it’s completely sell-out, but we all have to do it sometimes, don’t we?
Really though, the true idea is to have some fun along the way. I have a MASSIVE backlog, many of which are games that people in the community wanted me to check out for a minute. This is the time to get those out of the way, and I’m very excited to get this under way!
Incentives for reaching each metric goal are as follows (in other words, these are games I will play on stream):
- 1000 – DARK SASI
- 1050 – quiver dick’s terrible tale for terrible parents to read to their equally terrible children
- 1100 – hand simulator: survival
- 1150 – getting over it with bennett foddy
- 1200 – barbie horse adventures
- 1250 – corpse party: sweet sachiko’s hysteric birthday bash
- 1300 – desert bus
- 1350 – twitch sings (w/duets)
- 1400 – super seducer
- 1450 – five nights at freddies
- 1500 – 12 hours of scary shit
- 1600 – kfc dating simulator
- 1700 – pimp my ride
- 1800 – valakas story
- 1900 – i wanna be the boshy
- 2000 – hatoful boyfriend
- 2100 – super mario maker
- 2200 – new emote slot + ?
- 2300 – new emote slot + ?
- 2400 – new emote slot + ?
- 2500 – new emote slot + ?
There are some days that I’ll have sponsored or ad content to fulfill, and there are SOME days where new releases are going to dominate some of the time (DOOOOM ETERNALLLLL). However, most of the time in March will be dedicated to a LOT of random games, and it ought to be a chaotically good time.
If you’d like to subscribe to the channel and be a part of March Madness, visit